click here for Tai Chi classes locations
Classes at various suburbs
First lesson obligation free.
Specializes in the healing properties of Tai Chi.
Tai Chi professional instruction.
Tai Chi beginner to the most advanced.
Tai Chi and Qigong beginners -- 8 weeks course
Full fee $140
Concession $130
Child 16 and under $120
Wear loose and comfortable clothing and flat soled shoes.
Tai Chi, Qigong/Chi Kung classes / courses for beginners are held in our schools in many suburbs in Sydney & Newcastle over an 8 week term for nearly an hour
per week during the day, evenings, or weekends, and
we offer on going weekly Tai Chi lessons thereafter.

Tai Chi Society teaches beginner Tai Chi, and Qigong in just an 8 week term course, and offers on going weekly classes for all levels in Tai Chi and Qigong.
Tai Chi Society is also available for:
Tai Chi corporate classes.
Tai Chi classes in schools.
Tai Chi academic classes.
Tai Chi private tuition.
Tai Chi Course Content in Sydney:
Tai Chi, Qigong/Chi Kung, stretching, breathing, joints exercises
and Qigong relaxation energy meditation. These Tai Chi, Qigong/Chi Kung courses are suitable for beginner and also for people with medical conditions such as arthritis, asthma, diabetes, lower back pain, high and low blood pressure, insomnia, fatigue and others.
Tai Chi Society, Sydney holds Tai Chi workshops, Tai Chi and Qigong instructor course, Tai Chi refinement classes for our students and events in public places including parks in the city and around Sydney and Newcastle regularly.
Tai Chi DVDs are also available.
For bookings or information:
Tel: 0415 428 318
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